Most Serene Republic of St. Andre

Full Version: Neridian Refugee: Kyle Kilynn
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The SAS Success made port today in St. Andre.  On board were a few hundred of the thousands of Neridian refugees who had been streaming in to St Andre over the past few days and weeks.  Of those few hundred was one man: Kyle Kilynn. Mr Kilynn was a determined man, a man who struggled to get everything in his life.  Abandoned as a newborn in the city of Demonsfall, raised by ducal child services in Ransenar, and came of age sailing to old Neridia on a colony ship and building up Redquill as a laborer, and finally reclaiming some semblance of a normal life as a manager in the very same Neridian construction business he was indentured to.  It was all snatched away from Kyle with one stroke of a single person's pen.  His entire livelihood and security thrown into doubt.  Now he was in line at the port authority, waiting to be processed.  Now he would work to ensure his destiny was firmly in his own hands and those of his fellow refugees and their prince.  He handed the officer his papers:

Quote:Name: Kyle Kilynn
Age: 25
Sex: M
Political Beliefs: The government should serve its people above all else.

Why do you wish to join the Most Serene Republic of St. Andre? Seeking a permanent home after Neridian expulsion.
What are your aims in the MSR of St. Andre? To assist in the rebuilding of the Neridian culture and nation.

Other micronational citizenships: None
Former micronational citizenships: Lived under Shirerithian law, never used citizenship rights.

How many years of micronational experience: Many

I, Kyle Kilynn, swear to submit to the laws and statutes of the Most Serene Republic of St. Andre and its Leaders.

Andrino citizenship officially conferred upon Kyle Kilynn on March 24th, 2015.
Application #: 08-2015
My eternal thanks to you Mr President!