Most Serene Republic of St. Andre

Full Version: Steven Dore
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Name: Steven Dore
Age: 41
Sex: Male
Political Beliefs: Workers' rights balanced with corporate rights, personal freedoms, small practical government

Why do you wish to join the Most Serene Republic of St. Andre? I've worked in the port my whole life, it's time I stood up for myself and my family and had a say in the future of this city.
What are your aims in the MSR of St. Andre? Build St. Andre into the prosperous cross-roads of Micras that it deserves to be. Home rule will succeed where generations of foreign meddling has failed.

Other micronational citizenships: None
Former micronational citizenships: None (technically Natopian and Haifan but never claimed citizenship before or participated)

How many years of micronational experience: Over a decade.

I, Steven Dore, swear to submit to the laws and statutes of the Most Serene Republic of St. Andre and its Leaders.

Andrino citizenship officially conferred upon Steven DoreĀ on January 5th, 2015.
Application #: 03-2015