Most Serene Republic of St. Andre

Full Version: Patrice Varnham
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Name: Patrice Varnham
Age: 37
Sex: Female
Political Beliefs: Social democrat, populism, socialism

Why do you wish to join the Most Serene Republic of St. Andre? Resident of St. Andre, looking to obtain citizenship.
What are your aims in the MSR of St. Andre? Serve in government.

Other micronational citizenships: None.
Former micronational citizenships: None.

How many years of micronational experience: Several.

I, Patrice Varnham, swear to submit to the laws and statutes of the Most Serene Republic of St. Andre and its Leaders.

Andrino citizenship officially conferred upon Patrice Varham on January 4th, 2015.
Application #: 02-2015